Incineration Fest 2019 Just Announced First Three Bands

Incineration Festival has just announced three massive names for their 2019 incarnation.

Incineration Fest 2019 will feature UK exclusive performances from Mayhem, Carpathian Forest and Asphyx! Continue reading

TALANAS – “Asylum”

TalanAsylumEven with a genre as narrow as Progressive Death Metal, bands taking a step back and releasing an altogether more sedate collection of tracks is by no means unique.  For example Opeth very successfully chanced their arm with “Damnation” and more recently Spires laid their souls bare with the incredible “Lucid Abstractions” EP, but this takes a different path still. Stripping back the electrics, distortion, extremity of vocal and drum, the aforementioned examples released works of beauty. Talanas did not… Continue reading

NORDIC GIANTS – Live @ The Lexington, London (01/10/2013)

NordicAnd now for something completely different.

“Cinematic Ambient Soundscape” is not a style I would normally follow but when the live performance is this good…

A discovery made when they initially supported God Is An Astronaut a few years back and then intrigued sufficiently to watch Nordic Giants at ArcTanGent Festival were they blew me (and everyone else) away with an amazing performance, so here I was again in London for the EP release show “Build Seas, Dismantle Suns”. Continue reading

PUBLIC SERVICE BROADCASTING – “The War Room EP” & “Inform Educate Entertain”

“Inform – Educate – Entertain”.  Not many bands lay claim to such a mission statement but PSBWarthen not many bands are Public Service Broadcasting.

A two piece band who weld live instrumentation and Electronica around Public Information Films, archive footage and propaganda material to bring stories and events of the past to life. Continue reading

CANDLEFEST (Day 3) @ The Underworld, London (26/08/2013)

Candlefest13The Oxfordshire based Candlelight Records hosted it’s now annual feast of delights from its current roster of bands at The Underworld in Camden Town, over 3 days. Sadly I couldn’t attend days 1 & 2 because of other commitments, but I hear from other notable attendees that Anaal Nathrakh laid waste to the subterranean venue on the Friday with Altar Of Plagues bowing out for good apparently on the Saturday with an emotional set. I wish that I could have been there.

However, I made it on Sunday for what was for me one of the best line ups for ANY gig/festival thus far in 2013.   Continue reading